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Some truths about cheating

14 December 2017

You may think you know about cheating and why it happens etc. but you may be surprised. We’ve written this little article to give you a little insight into just how and why people cheat.

You’ve all heard of “the seven year itch,” right? Well, if you haven’t, it’s not just a movie title! It’s widely believed that people get “the itch” (meaning they want to cheat) after seven years of a relationship. Actually, studies have recently discovered that it’s more likely to be between 6-10 years for a woman and over 11 years for a man.

Why we stay together

Women are less likely to cheat than men also, but then this was probably not hard to guess. Other things that keep us together are: children, not being in the relationship long, religious and moral beliefs, and most of all the fear of being alone. We’re sure many people can relate to that. And actually, the fear of being alone is a primary reason why people book escorts in the first place, and arguably why you’re here now reading this article.

Why we cheat

Most of the time for women, it’s because they’re not feeling emotionally supported or understood, and it has very little to do with anything physical. With men, it’s practically the opposite of this. If a woman isn’t providing sexual satisfaction to a man, or she has less interest in sex and perhaps doesn’t make much of an effort in her appearance, he is far more likely to cheat. There are of course many exceptions to these, but generally this is the case.

Is seeing a London escort cheating?

Well, yes of course it is, if you want an honest answer. There’s one thing we won’t be held responsible for, and that’s encouraging you to cheat by lying to you. We’re basing this on the fact that virtually everyone in a relationship would consider booking London escorts as cheating. So we have to go with the majority on this one gentlemen. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it of course. Our views on morality and fidelity are very different to those of your wife, as you’re probably already aware!