An escort is not for life, she’s by the hour
It’s a little like that old phrase “a dog is for life, not just for Christmas”. We know for sure that you’d like one of these girls for your Christmas present, but you simply can’t take her home with you. And this is what we’re talking about today gentlemen. You see, whilst most of you are content with your hour’s incall, or even your overnight experience in your hotel, some of you struggle to let go. It’s not your fault entirely of course, these London escorts can be very enticing we know. But it’s what they do gentlemen, it’s their job. They love their job, yes, but they do it for a living and they’re very good at it.

They don’t want a boyfriend
We are certain we’ve told you this before, but we feel it’s entirely necessary to tell you again. These young ladies are not in the business to find the man of their dreams. To be perfectly honest with you, whether you are like this or not, they’re not looking to meet a man to spend the rest of their life with, who is likely to book escorts when they’re together. And let’s face it guys, when you’re a regular escort hobbyist, you have spent some of the best times of your life, with some of the most beautiful and entertaining ladies on the planet. So is it really going to be enough for you to just have one of them for the rest of your days? No, probably not, and these escorts know this too.
That’s not the only reason they don’t want a relationship with you. They don’t date their clients because they know that many clients will want them to quit their job. Not an unnatural request from your girlfriend of course, but a little unfair to some when it’s their only source of income. This is very important to remember. Escorting is a career, it’s a lifestyle, and it’s not one that they’re willing to give up lightly.
Enjoy your time and move on
Besides all that, there are way too many girls coming and going in London all the time. Too many for you to get hooked on one in particular surely? The best thing to do is to give yourself completely to your experience, and believe that it’s forever if you wish. But when it’s over, let go and look forward to next time. This can be with the same girl or someone else. If you are booking with the same girl next time, here’s a little tip for you. Keep it cool when you meet her and don’t put any pressure on her to behave any differently or give you any special treatment because you’re a regular. If you do this, you are likely to form a very strong and quite unique bond with your escort. It’s not a relationship at all, don’t get us wrong, but it’s one of trust and pleasure. She will no doubt really enjoy your company because she gets to know you more, and the two of you could well become friends. It’s not unusual.
Do not give our personal details
It’s in your best interests to keep your bookings on a professional level however, when it comes to identity and such. We are not saying that the girls are dishonest, but you just never know. If you give out your number to a girl, you are effectively telling her that she is free to call you whenever she wants. We can’t know everything about all the girls, and we can’t guarantee that they won’t every try to get in touch with you. We don’t control them after all. We can tell you this. If a girl does contact you, it won’t be for romantic reasons. It would more likely be about booking her directly (which is a shame and an insult to our agency really), or if she was in trouble and needed money or other assistance to help her out. Just please be aware that all people, escorts or not, will do desperate things at desperate times. So it’s best to remain as anonymous as possible with escorts. You can still have a good relationship with them, but it’s up to you to set the parameters of that.